A place to keep track of odds and ends.
Here’s a list of some unpublished work or aspirational projects that I’m trying to find time for:
I conducted a preliminary study with not-so-good data on the time course of C-reactive protein in human serum of cancer patients. I would like to investigate this further in case this can lead to the optimisation of treatment times.
I have Python routines written for JuPYTeR notebooks that assist the non-specialist in the testing of model structures for structural global identifiability (SGI).
The progression of an infectious disease through a population could behave like a linear switching system if some intervention (e.g. lockdown, mask wearing) happened at a particular point. I would like to apply my methods to such a system.
Sometimes Maple is unable to simplify complex expressions. Some approaches to the problem resulted from my analysis of linear switching systems.
I would like to further explore visualisations that can help the user understand when a model structure lacks the property of SGI.
The “Theory of Living Systems” webcast seminar series is good.
The Environmental Science Meeting for Australian Research Teams (EnviSMART) is a monthly online seminar series by environmental science researchers.
The homepage of the “Centre for Anthropogenic Pollution Impact and Management” (CAPIM) at The University of Melbourne.
Python package SymPy is great for open-source symbolic algebra.